thanksgiving RSS
Missed out on Wise Guys Vapes DOOR BUSTER Black Friday sales?Never fear, you still have time to treat yourself or get the perfect holiday gift for the vaper in your life during our Cyber Monday sale at www.wiseguysvapes.comDOOR BUSTER DEALS STARTING AT $9.991. ASPIRE NAUTILUS AIO KIT $24.992. ASPIRE BREEZE 2 KIT $24.993. PACHAMAMA E-LIQUID [...]
Happy Thanksgiving from Wise Guys Vapes!
Wise Guys Vapes IS CLOSED TODAY ON THANKSGIVING DAY, BUT WE WILL BE OPEN 8AM TILL MIDNIGHT TOMORROW ON BLACK FRIDAY, November 23! Doors open at 8AM, and you will definitely want to get there early for our DOOR BUSTER sales!1. ASPIRE NAUTILUS AIO KIT $24.992. ASPIRE BREEZE 2 KIT $24.993. JUUL STARTER KIT $19.994. [...]
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