fireluke RSS
WGV New Products 3/1 - Freemax Twister Starter Kit | Joyetech Magic Atopack | Noms X2 White Raspberry Peach | Stig Vgod Iced Mango Bomb | NEW Yocan Uni color's | Freemax Fireluke M Coils
We are FULLY STOCKED on the new Freemax Twister 80W Starter Kit with Fireluke 2 Tank at Wise Guys Vapes. An instant hit with our customers, this is the ideal starter kit, powering up to 80 watts with an internal 2300mAh battery, an advanced chip for super fast firing speed, and is paired with the [...]
WGV New Products 6/16 - Reds Berries | Aequitas RDA | KOMGE Cashew Pod Kit | FreeMax FireLuke
Wise Guys Vapes is fully re-stocked on the FULL LINE of the hottest e-liquid in Chicagoland, introducing the highly anticipated Reds Berries and Reds Berries Iced, at all 10 locations!BERRIES REDS APPLE: a tangy blend of blueberry, raspberry, and pomegranate paired with Reds iconic apple juiceICED BERRIES REDS APPLE: a cool, iced version of Reds [...]
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